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Friday 10 January 2014

And . . . relax

The first full week under the belt* and things are starting to feel like normal now.  I am still not totally convinced this working thing is for me, but I am keeping that to myself as I re-double my efforts to make this the "year of the career".  Having been driven in to last place by Brad, I really need to pull something out the hat lest I become the lonely old career spinster with the cat and the shopping trolley.

I bumped in to an old colleague from the <<Public Sector account name removed>> days, and we spent a very convivial lunch together catching up on the last 4 years, and talking about our plans for the future.  Interestingly, for us at least, our thinking has all been going in similar directions, so I have made a mental note to keep in touch with him lest he find the illusive "next thing" that has so far eluded me.

What I am clear on is that I need to be more decisive, in as much as I need to make a bl00dy decision, and I need to stop prevaricating and wafting round telling everyone that I want a change.  I need to make a change happen, and my plan, still in its infancy, is to cast my net wider, but at the same time have more focus on what it is that I am looking for, since a vague "I think I am maybe looking for something" is not cutting any ice, mustard or, frankly, getting me anywhere useful.

Having given myself that stiff talking to, I plan to take it easy this weekend.  Perhaps a bit of DIY and general house-shaped stuff, and the Maggots have their various sporting activities Saturday morning, but other than that, nothing very specific planned.

Have a great weekend, and speak again next week.

* which must be the explanation for the tightness of the trouser

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