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Friday 20 March 2015

And . . . relax

The working weeks are passing with a blur at the moment, and that means I am sitting here on a Friday wondering where the last five days went.

It has been another hard week; another week where my colleagues and I are feeling the impact of the last round of redundancies.  That is life, I believe, in the corporate world.  I imagine anyone in a similar corporate culture is likely experiencing the same kinds of things. 

The world is changing, with everything being instant access, 24/7, so users, people, and clients, are expecting every part of their home and working life to be the same.  This is putting pressure on us and our corporations, who are large lumbering beasts in a land of new pure-play whippets.  We are trying to change, trying to shed some pounds and some organisational inertia, working towards being an agile company, but that will take time, and to follow through on the "large lumbering beasts" analogy, many species may become extinct along the way, so only the leanest and fastest amongst us survive.  I just hope I can keep ahead of the pack.

This weekend we are pretty busy.  Maggot 2 has football training at his new club Saturday, and his first friendly hopefully Sunday.  To say he is excited is not the half of it.  Around that we have lunch at my parents and my sister's family on Saturday, and lunch at David and Samantha's with Brad and Angelina Sunday. 
It is going to be a busy weekend and, I fear, a fairly alcoholic one.  Oh how long ago my dry January feels right now.

I hope you have a great weekend, speak next week.

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