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Friday 13 June 2014

And . . . relax

Rather excellent training day yesterday, more Cloud, adding to my net knowledge and my network.

It is still hot down South, as with may parts of the UK, and working at home means minimal clothing, enough to not shock the postie when he knocks the door, but little enough so I am not over-heating.

This weekend is going to be a game of two halves.  Usual stuff, maybe a big bike ride Saturday afternoon down to the marina, then maybe a bit of a nap early/mid evening so that I can be awake at 11pm.  I am really really keen to watch the match live.  I could record and watch the next morning, but that would not really be the same for me, so here's hoping I can break a habit of a lifetime and actually be awake after 11pm.

I have been out the house more than usual this week, as has LO, so we also need just a bit of time in our own space, diddling and getting familiar again with the place.

I hope your weekend is both hot and cool in equal measure. 


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