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Monday, 21 May 2012


We had a pretty enjoyable and successful weekend.

Friday night say Maggot 1 off to scouts, A&E coming round for dinner*.

Saturday saw Maggot 1 and Eldest off the the cinema unaccompanied**, and the rest of us back at Chez Scobi for chat, a small bit of DIY*** then up the park for a walk and play.  Back by 6pm where the Maggots de-camp to the front room and adults de-camp to the back room, and the true benefits of the extension become crystal clear.

Sunday saw a bit of gardening, and, whisper it quietly, I may be starting to enjoy it just a little bit.  I am determined to get our lawn up to scratch, with the goal if it being nearly acceptable by the surprise party****.  This meant a trip to the tip to get rid of all the old, rubbish topsoil removed from the patches before being replaced by a beautiful mix of one part (good) topsoil, one part sand and one part compost, with a sprinkling of grass seeds on top.  The lawn therefore currently looks like swampy has visited, but we just need to hold the faith for a few weeks to start seeing the benefits.  This latter faith-holding is proving difficult for LO who has declared, with her rather dismissive and judgemental manner, that we "must have a duff batch of grass seed".  I have approximately four more days to see signs of the first round of patching to start sprouting before I will be horse-whipped and humiliated on the Homebase bulletin board by my dear wife.

This week is going to be rather busy, with a lot of work and home commitments to knit together in to a seamless life.  I am already looking forward to Friday.

Have a good week, and speak soon.

* A most fantastic menu, and equally fantastic company.  If memory recalls, a pretty fantastic Canasta score for the boys too.  And I managed to stay awake for most of the evening.

** Maggot 1 was beside himself with the pleasures of being without adults, and being in the possession of the phone that we all like to call the "family phone" but Maggot 1 calls "his phone".

*** Having try to avoid adding all the plastic bits to the glass shower door, I have relented on the final piece and, with the help of David, installed the drip-stopper bit on the bottom of the sliding pane.  Drips are now, mostly, stopped.

**** About which I obviously cannot talk. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad not to be reading about the unending sickness in the Scobi household.. Serious concerns persist over the state of your lawn however. I wouldn't recommend it, but you should find a way to point out to LO that it's extremely unlikely that you have a "bad batch" and that the weather is far more likely to blame.
Speak soon. Mr Ball.

PS: Badman was asking if LO stands for Leg Over?? I rather think it stands for Large Orbs, Lightly Oiled or perhaps you just consistently refer to yourself as "Behold"!

PPS: This is what happens when you're too busy to use the phone - you get abuse-by-comment-field instead!